
   Sat-chit-ananda is a philosophical term used in VEDANTA and other Hindu systems; it describes the ultimate reality or the ultimate character of a god or goddess.
   In Vedanta, words can convey only a conven-tional description of the brahman or ultimate reality, which is beyond any characterizing or characteris-tics. Nevertheless, the combination of sat (Being as an ultimate category), chit (unlimited conscious-ness), and ananda (unlimited bliss) is often used to describe the ultimate. Those who achieve the highest level in YOGA, who realize oneness with the ultimate, are believed to be capable of knowing these categories beyond the words. Therefore, many realized SWAMIS use this appellation for themselves.
   The use of these terms to identify the supreme BRAHMAN began in the UPANISHADS (c. 600 B.C.E.); it became a common practice as later Vedanta developed.
   Further reading: Troy Wilson Organ, The One: East and West (Lanham: University Press of America, 1991); Swami Sachchidanand, My Experiences. Translated by P. J. Soni. (Ahmedabad: Gurjar Prakashan, 1989).

Encyclopedia of Hinduism. . 2007.

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