
   See vows.

Encyclopedia of Hinduism. . 2007.

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  • vows — (vratas)    Vows or vratas are a central feature of Hinduism and JAINISM. They are undertaken for myriad reasons, but always with the desire of pleasing the divinity. Vows are often taken to do a par ticular thing in exchange for help from God.… …   Encyclopedia of Hinduism

  • Vrata — is also a commune in Mehedinţi County, Romania, see: Vrata, Mehedinţi. In the context of Hinduism and Hindu mythology, the term vrata denotes a religious practice to carry out certain obligations with a view to achieve divine blessing for… …   Wikipedia

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  • Festivals of Orissa — Ratha Yatra (Chariot Festival)= The most famous Orissan festival is of course the Ratha Yatra or Car Festival (June July) which attracts pilgrims and visitors from all over the world. On the full moon day of the month of Jyestha known as Snana… …   Wikipedia

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  • Jain vrata — ▪ Jainism       in Jainism, a religion of India, any of the vows (vratas) that govern the activities of both monks and laymen. The mahavratas, or five “great vows,” are undertaken for life only by ascetics and include vows of noninjury,… …   Universalium

  • Republican Kambojas — There are several ancient literary and inscriptional references which testify that the ancient Kambojas were a republican people. References in Sanskrit and Pali literature attest terms like e Gana , Samgha , Shreni and other similar bodies… …   Wikipedia

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