Harihara I — Harihara I, (1336 1356), también llamado Hakka ಹಕ್ಕ y Vira Harihara I, fue el fundador, junto a su hermano Bukka Raya I, del imperio Vijayanagara. Hijo mayor de Bhavana Sangama, era miembro del clan kuruba y fundador de la dinastía Sangama, la… … Wikipedia Español
Harihara — is a the name of a combined deity form of both Vishnu (Hari) and Shiva (Hara) from the Hindu tradition. Harihara is thus worshipped by both Vaishnavites and Shaivities as a form of the Supreme God, as well as being a figure of worship for other… … Wikipedia
Harihara II — (1377 1404 CE) was an emperor of the Vijayanagara Empire from the Sangama Dynasty. He patronised Kannada poet Madhura, a Jaina. An important work on Vedas was completed during his time. He earned the titles Vaidikamarga Sthapanacharya and… … Wikipedia
Harihara I — Harihara I, (1336 1356 CE) also called Hakka ಹಕ್ಕ and Vira Harihara I , was the founder of the Vijayanagara empire. He was Bhavana Sangama’s eldest son, belonged to the Kuruba clan and was founder of the Sangama dynasty, the first among the four… … Wikipedia
Harihara — à quatre têtes (Cachemire, IXe siècle) … Wikipédia en Français
Harihara II — (1377 1404) fue el tercer rajá del Imperio Vijayanagara, y miembro de la dinastía Sangama. Fue mecenas del poeta en canarés Madhura, un jainista. Bajo su reinado se llevó a cabo uno de los estudios más destacados sobre los Vedas. Se le otorgaron… … Wikipedia Español
Harihara — Harihara, Haryạrdha Shiva [ ʃiva; Sanskrit »Halb Vishnu Shiva«], hinduistisches Götterbild, das die Vereinigung der beiden Hauptgottheiten Vishnu (Hari) und Shiva (Hara) in einer Gestalt darstellt. Meist zeigt dabei die rechte Bildhälfte… … Universal-Lexikon
Harihara — Eine Statue von Harihara im Musée Guimet in Paris, 7. Jahrhundert Harihara ist eine Gottheit des Hinduismus. Sie stellt eine Vereinigung der Aspekte Vishnus (Hari) und Shivas (Hara) dar. Die Natur dieser Einheit wird von verschiedenen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Harihara — ▪ Hindu deity also spelled Hari hara in Hinduism, a syncretic deity combining the two major gods Vishnu (Hari) and Shiva (Hara). Images of Harihara (also known as Shambhu Vishnu and Shankara Narayana, variants of the names of the two gods)… … Universalium
Harihara I — (? 1355) Harihara and his brother Bukka were origi nally in the service of the Kakatiya ruler of Warangal. Later they joined the ruler of Kampili and, on the annexation of that principal ity to the Delhi sultanate, were taken prisoners and… … Historical dictionary of Medieval India