
   Shrirangam is an island in the CAUVERY River in Tamil Nadu, near Trichinopoly (Tirucchirappalli), where Lord Ranganatha, a form of VISHNU, resides. The Vaishnavite saint RAMANUJA taught and over-saw the temple here, as did the saint Periyalvar, whose daughter ANDAL reached sainthood here. The site has a long tradition and is a popular PIL-GRIMAGE center.
   Further reading: V. N. Hari Rao, History of the Sri-rangam Temple (Tirupati: Sri Venkateswara University, 1976); M. Somasundaram, The Island Shrine of Sri Ran-ganatha (Tiruchirappalli: St. Joseph’s Industrial School Press, 1965).

Encyclopedia of Hinduism. . 2007.

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